Youth Ministry is for teens, with teens and by teens! Youth Ministry is a comprehensive experience for all high school teens and includes Confirmation preparation, service activities, bible study, retreats, peer leadership, mission trips, fun and faith formation! Contact youth minister Drew Isbell for more information.

Our Goals:
- Empower teens to live as disciples of Jesus
- Support and provide for their participation in the life, mission and work of our faith community
- Foster their personal and spiritual growth.
Ultimately serving this goal, the mission of our youth ministry is to create faith-based opportunities through education, sacraments and fellowship for all youth in our community and to develop, foster and support them on their faith journey. We hope that our young people will be immersed in the experience of our parish community, and see themselves as a vital part of Notre Dame, the Catholic Church, and the whole body of Christ. In our youth and teen ministry, we have fun and further discover our faith, while creating a fun and safe place for the Holy Spirit to work.

High School Boys invited to join Church League!!
Practices are Tuesdays at the Notre Dame Gym and games are on the weekends, usually Saturday evenings. The League consists of area parishes. Games start around the first weekend of December and go until early March. Sign up by October 20, 2022.
Click the link below to fill out the permission form. This form must be filled out and returned to the parish office.

Confirmation Preparation:
6th graders receive the sacrament of Confirmation in the spring of 6th grade. During 6th grade they participate in faith formation sessions, retreats and service in preparation for Confirmation.

Mission Trips:
Every summer teens 9th -12th grade participate in an experience where they spend a week serving others, praying and having fun! Summer 2023 date TBA. Email our youth minister Drew Isbell for more information.