
The Eucharist is the heart and the summit of the Church’s life, for in it Christ associates His Church and all her members with His sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving offered once for all on the cross to his Father; by this sacrifice he pours out the graces of salvation on his Body which is the Church. We believe that the Eucharist or Communion is both a sacrifice and a meal. We believe in the real presence of Jesus who died for our sins. As we receive Christ’s Body and Blood, we also are nourished spiritually and brought closer to God.
First Communion: Children in second grade attending the Religious Education Program or Notre Dame School have an opportunity to receive First Eucharist as a class in the spring, usually the first Saturday in May. They also have an opportunity to receive First Eucharist individually if they so desire.

Guidelines for Reception of Communion
For the benefit of visiting friends and families, the following guidelines are offered to help with decisions regarding the reception of Holy Communion.
For Catholics:
The National Conference of Catholic Bishops offers the following for practicing Catholics: “In order to be properly disposed to receive Communion, communicants should not be conscious of grave sin, have fasted for an hour, and seek to live in charity and love with their neighbors. Persons conscious of grave (mortal) sin must first be reconciled with God and the Church through the Sacrament of Penance (Confession).
For our fellow Christians:
We welcome you to the celebration of the Eucharist as our brothers and sisters. For all the following reason, non-Catholics are excluded from reception of communion at a Catholic Church. The National Conference of Catholic Bishops says: “Reception of the Eucharist by Christians not fully united with us would imply a oneness which does not yet exist, and for which we must all pray.”
For those not receiving Communion:
Those unable to receive communion may simply remain seated while others go forward; or if you wish, you may come forward for a blessing. (If you come forward, please indicate that you wish to have a blessing by crossing your arms over your chest, hands on shoulders.) We ask that you pray with us for peace and unity in our human family.
Communion for The Sick/Homebound:
Celebrating the Eucharist is the very heart of our Catholic faith. To ensure that members who are ill or injured can receive the Eucharist and stay connected to our community, Notre Dame Ministers of Care can bring communion to parishioners in their homes, area nursing or convalescent facilities and Hinsdale hospital.
If you or a loved one would like to have a Minister of Care bring communion to you in the hospital, nursing facility or hospital, please contact:
For more info please call the parish office at (630) 654- 3365