Our Parish Vision

Father Mark gave a 3-part series to reveal and explore our parish vision statement.  Watch below.

In his first homily, Shia LaBeouf and Our Vision, Fr. Mark invites out to ask ourselves the question, “Why does Notre Dame exist?” He lays out the groundwork to present our parish vision. To do this, he addresses The Need, Shia LaBeouf, and The Answer.

In this second Homily, Riptides and Our Vision, Fr. Mark continues the vision casting by exploring these three principles: Rescued People Rescue People, What Does it Take, & Listen. Listening to the story of Fred Pepperman, we learn to listen to the cry of our own hearts.

In this third Homily, Complacency and Our Vision, Fr. Mark challenges us into the riptides and lead people by the hand to Jesus. In this homily, we look into the Danger of Complacency, a Foundational Tool, and Getting Mobilized. In a world that prioritizes comfort, will we submit ourselves to this challenge?