Here at Notre Dame we believe that following Jesus is a joy and a life-long journey that begins at Baptism and continues into eternity. To that beginning we offer catechesis for our children Grades PreSchool 3 to Grade 6 with each program specifically designed to teach your child the “Good News” in a way that excites them to “learn it” and challenges them to “live it.”

2024-2025 School Year Calendar K-6
Dear Religious Education Families,
We hope you are all ready for a Summer Break full of family and relaxation! We thank you so sincerely for last year’s participation and hope you will continue over the Summer to make time for God everyday and Mass each week.
SUNDAYS: 10:45am – 12:00pm, Kindergarten to Grade 6
Also NEW PROGRAM (Sundays only) REACH SPECIAL NEEDS CLASS for all grades
TUESDAYS: 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm, Pre3,Pre4,Kindergarten to Grade 6
*Also NEW for Pre3, Pre4 and Kindergarten: New Curriculum! Catechesis of the Good Shepherd,
Tuesday’s only, 10:00am-11:30am OR 4:00pm -5:15pm,
Once again we are offering a discounted Religious Education tuition rate for those that register before July 15th. If your child is a returning student, no need to fill out a registration form, your payment will act as registration. If you have a new student to the program, please contact the Parish Office at 630-654-3365
1 Child – $345 | 2 Children – $525 | 3 or more – $600
Grade 2, 6 – Sacramental Fee: $75
If you need educational or financial assistance, please contact us to assist you.
Debbie Macaluso dmacaluso@notredameparish.org 630-601-1762
Mary Baker mbaker@notredameparish.org 630-601-1757
New Families
- New families need to register with the Parish before registering for Religious Education. Click here to register as a parishioner.
- Must have a copy of each student’s baptismal certificate on file.
- Payment must accompany your registration to complete the registration process
- RE Registration 2024-2025
- Read the Parent Resource Guide
Current Families
- All students who were enrolled for the 2022-2023 school year are automatically ‘rolled-over’ into the 2023-2024 school year.
- These families do not need to fill out a registration form.
- Your payment completes registration.
- Read the Parent Resource Guide
Special Needs Program, REACH
Dear Parish Families,
We are extremely excited to tell you about a class that we will have in the fall which will be a part of the RE program. This type of class has been in our hearts for a long time and now it will become a reality. The curriculum is for children with special needs that has been done for many, many years in our Diocese but not at our Church or very close parishes. The program is called, REACH. It is for children with learning disabilities/special needs from grades K-6. Loyola Press has created this curriculum called, Adaptive Finding God, for special students. I have two catechists with specific training that will facilitate the class in addition to knowledgeable volunteers and parents. According to the Diocese coordinator, Mrs. Jean MacDonald, from St. Raphael, they offer the class two times a month. This class will follow the Sunday time slot.
So, if you have a child with needs, we at ND would be delighted to work with you and your child so that he/she will know the love of Jesus and our Church. Please register your child at: RE Registration 2023-2024
How appropriate to name this program, REACH. We as a Church, parent, educator, and community member need to REACH out to ALL children in our area, so they may share in the faith, hope and love of our religion!
Any questions, please call, more details to follow. We send you our love, support and prayers.
Bless you,
Debbie Macaluso dmacaluso@notredameparish.org 630-601-1762
Mary Baker mbaker@notredameparish.org 630-601-1757
Protecting God’s Children
Parent Opportunities
Because we consider faith formation to be a family/parish family endeavor we have designed several opportunities for parents to join us and participate in our program.
- Catechist
- Substitute Teacher
- TA – Teachers’ Assistant
- Room Aide
- Hall Monitor
- Attendance Caller
- School Nurse
- Parking Lot Control
- First Communion Reception
Additional Parent Resources
Amen, the free Catholic Prayer, Meditation, and Scripture App.
How You Can Help as a Parent – Diocese of Joliet
Catholic Faith for Families- Diocese of Joliet
Fr. Mark Bernhard Youtube Channel
Fr. Burke Masters Youtube Channel
Me and My House Catholic Parenting