Theology of the Body

“Theology of the Body” illuminates the mystery of being made in the image and likeness of God – not only in the spiritual dimension but also in the body. It is John Paul II’s integrated vision of the human person—body, soul, and spirit. It is a biblical reflection on the meaning of embodiment, sexual desire, and married love.

“Theology of the Body” is the title given to a collection of talks on God’s design for human sexuality by Pope John Paul II over five years. Appealing to the individual’s experiences of truth, the Holy Father discusses both Sacred Scripture and Catholic Tradition on the subject. This approach seeks not only to make understandable the rich theology of Catholic teaching on the nature of humanity created as man and woman but also to communicate the truth and beauty of God’s design of human sexuality.

Resources for Adults/Parents:
Beyond the Birds and the Bees: Raising Sexually Whole and Holy Kids. Many parents may struggle with giving their kids “the talk.” This book can help navigate this process for parents, helping them talk about this topic to their children from infancy to teenage years and beyond.
Playful in style without sacrificing educational value, Andry and Schepp’s, How Babies are Made, is an invaluable resource for parents eager to help their inquisitive children learn about sex and the reproductive process with clarity, honesty, and accuracy.
How to Talk to Your Child about Sex includes strategies to cultivate healthy sexuality, guidelines on how to give, “The Sex Talk,” and additional resources for parents.
Good News About Sex & Marriage (Revised Edition): Answers to Your Honest Questions about Catholic Teaching, answers the questions about human sexuality and marriage that he always encounters in the numerous adult audiences he addresses.
Resources for Youth/Teens:
The TOB for Teens: Middle School Edition Student Workbook presents the revolutionary teachings of John Paul II to middle school students in a way that is relevant, easy-to-follow, and entertaining. It follows the 8 segments presented in the TOB for Teens: Middle School Edition DVD Set and Leader’s Guide. Each participant of the program should have a Student Workbook.
During SEEK23, Dr. Edward Sri talks about St. John Paul II’s book Love & Responsibility and how we can prepare ourselves for marriage.
Restore the Glory Podcast: Bob and Jake start a series on the Theology of the Body (TOB) and discuss how the TOB offers an essential background and foundation for healing. The TOB teaches us that we have a nature and if we do not get what we need according to our nature we are wounded.

Sexual Immorality- Why the church teaches what they do and help to overcome sexual sins


The Catholic Church views pornography as a sin because it perverts the conjugal act and does grave injury to the dignity of its participants. It fosters the inclination to treat others as objects for sexual gratification. It inhibits one from having healthy, pure relationships and from entering marriage honestly, fruitfully, and faithfully.



Covenant Eyes is designed to help you and those you love live free from pornography.


Recovery from pornography, masturbation, or other compulsive sexual behavior is within reach with RECLAIM, our 100% online recovery program. Anonymous, Catholic, and science-based.



Masturbation is considered a sin as it violates the Sixth Commandment. It is a self-indulgent activity that uses the body for personal gratification, rather than expressing love and life through a marital relationship. It turns one inward and conditions one towards isolation.


Recovery from pornography, masturbation, or other compulsive sexual behavior is within reach with RECLAIM, our 100% online recovery program. Anonymous, Catholic, and science-based. 

Homosexual Acts

The Catholic Church maintains that while homosexual desires are not sinful, homosexual acts are violations of divine and natural law. The Church calls for respect, compassion, and sensitivity towards individuals with homosexual temptations, and encourages them to live chastely.



A Roman Catholic apostolate for men and women who experience same-sex attractions and those who love them.


Eden Invitation creates space to receive the whole person, grow systems of mutual support, and empower for creative discipleship. We are disciples with LGBTQ+ experiences, building community with others who desire a way of life in congruence with Christ and His Church.


“The purpose of sex is both unitive and procreative within the context of marriage (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 2351). . . Artificial contraception, meaning an unnatural method of preventing pregnancy, completely closes off the procreative half of the conjugal act, reducing sex to mere entertainment for pleasure’s sake, otherwise known as lust.” ( The Church, however, supports the use of scientific-based methods of self-observation of the signs and symptoms of fertility known as Natural Family Planning (NFP). NFP respects a woman’s body, the marital act, and God’s plan for marriage, all while helping a couple justly and responsibly plan their family. (see videos below).



Natural Family Planning (NFP) is the general title for the scientific, natural, and moral methods of family planning that can help married couples either achieve or postpone pregnancy.



Sex was created by God for the purpose of procreation and unity within the context of marriage between a man and a woman. Additionally, God intended for spouses to experience pleasure and enjoyment within the boundaries of marriage. Sex is meant to express love in a way that mirrors God’s love and is also intended to bring forth new life.