
The Apostles abandoned their closest friend, Jesus, in his time of need. 50 days later, they submit to countless dangers and even martyrdom for the sake of his name. Why?
At Pentecost, the Apostles received an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that enabled them to courageously defend the faith and spread it throughout the known world. Once you become confirmed, the same power and mission that the Apostles received is yours as well.
Confirmation can often be mistaken as a rite of passage or coming of age celebration in the Church. This sacrament is not either. It is a strengthening of your bond with Christ, and an initiation into his Church Militant. Confirmation celebrates us joining the ranks of the first Apostles to fight for our beautiful faith.
In Confirmation, we are infused with supernatural gifts and graces to equip us in this fight. Namely, the gifts of Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Fortitude, Counsel, Piety, & Fear of the Lord.
These gifts help us to build up our minds in order to engage with a culture that questions and attacks our faith. It empowers us to have the strangth to witness to our Catholic faith with integrity, and to prioritize the honor of God in our daily lives.
Equipped with the Spirit, we can transform this world from one gripped by fear and despair to a world rich in Christ’s love and life.
–Based on “Bishop Barron on Confirmation and Evangelization – YouTube”
Confirmation Preparation
Teens receive the sacrament of Confirmation in the spring of 6th grade. they participate in faith formation sessions, retreats and service in preparation for Confirmation.
Like Baptism which it completes, Confirmation is given only once, for it too imprints on the soul an indelible spiritual mark, the “character,” which is the sign that Jesus Christ has marked a Christian with the seal of His Spirit by clothing them with power from on high so that they may be his witnesses.
At Notre Dame, teens receive the sacrament of Confirmation in 6th grade. Adults wishing to be confirmed will find more information under Adult Faith Formation, the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) program.
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for schedules and the various requirements for Confirmation – we will update this information as needed.