Natural Family Planning (NFP) Resources
What does the Catholic Church teach on contraceptives?

Humanae Vitae – an encyclical by Pope Paul VI
This letter from Pope Paul IV conveys the Catholic Church’s teachings on birth control and responsible parenthood.
Contraception: Why Not? transcript of a talk by Janet E. Smith
This is a transcript of Professor Smith’s groundbreaking talk that “cracks the contraceptive myth.”

Why not to use artificial contraception:
Jackie Angel lists five reasons to stop taking the pill.
Jackie and Bobby give their reasons for not using contraception in their marriage.
Learning more about what NFP is and how to use it:
The Marquette Method is a form of natural family planning: an evidence-based, effective, and moral way of avoiding or achieving pregnancy. Find out more about how you can work with a licensed healthcare professional to meet your reproductive goals.

Simply NFP provides Natural Family Planning instruction in the Marquette Method. We are devoted to helping men and women live according to God’s design for the family.
Local doctors that support couples who practice NFP:
Dr. Teresa Jensen can be found on MyCatholicDoctor. She is affiliated with NaProTechnology and therefore specializes in treating women and couples experiencing infertility and recurrent miscarriage.

Dr. Robert Lawler is a board certified OB/GYN working at OSF Healthcare Little Company of Mary Medical Center in Oak Lawn. He is a devout Catholic, husband, and father to 11 children.