The Children’s Choir sings at the 9:30 am mass (first Sunday of the month) from October to June. Membership is open to all 2nd through 8th graders. This group joins the Adult Choir on Thanksgiving Day, Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. Practices are on Monday evenings, from 6:00 – 7:00 pm in the church. See below for current schedule.
Our Adult Choir is open to all of high school age and older. This group sings at the 9:30 am mass (2nd through 5th Sundays of the month) from Labor Day until the middle of June each year. Special occasions include Midnight Mass, Holy Week services and each year they join with the Children’s Choir on Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday and Thanksgiving. Practices are held in church on Mondays from 7 – 9 pm.
Cantors are individual singers who provide music leadership at the 7:30, 9:30, and 11:30 am masses. Cantors also serve at all of the holidays throughout the church year. Cantors are selected by audition only. If interested, please contact the Parish Office.
We are always looking to expand our roster of musicians at Notre Dame. If you have instrumental skills, especially on piano and/or organ, we’d like to talk with you and see how you could become part of our Music Ministry. Please contact the Parish Office.
An Introduction to the Mass of Wonder