“Rather, whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all. For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
– Mark 10:43-45

Worship Opportunities

Weekday Masses

Monday through Friday 8:45am 

Weekend Masses

Saturday 8:45am, 5:00pm.

Sunday 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am

Altar Servers

The Altar Server assists the celebrant at all liturgical celebrations of our parish.

Art & Environment

The Ministry of Art and Environment prepares the worship space for each liturgical season. Liturgical “decorations” are used to foster a mood, sometimes of festivity and other times of penitence or anticipation, but always of dignity and hospitality. Volunteers are needed to assist with decorating for various occasions. A time commitment of about two hours at each liturgical seasonal set-up is needed. Please contact the Parish Office for more information.

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion

The Extraordinary Minister is responsible for assisting the celebrant and deacon in distributing communion during the Mass. Ministers are assigned to serve once or twice a month and can choose preferred mass times. Families who have members serving in various liturgical ministry roles are typically scheduled together at one mass. A two-hour training session is required and scheduled as needed throughout the year. A guide book is provided.

Please contact Char Jain at cjain@notredameprish.org for more info.


Lectors proclaim the Word of God and are expected to prepare the reading of the text beforehand, utilizing all tools available regarding scriptural background, context, and the meaning of the message for that day.

Two lectors are assigned to each Sunday liturgy, one for each reading. Each lector is invited to choose his/her preferred mass time. Lectors generally serve once every 5-6 weeks. Lector training seminars, reviews, updates, etc., are offered for the group. Training is also provided on an individual basis for new ministers. Schedules are emailed to Lectors from their Mass Coordinator. Click below for current schedule.

Mass Intentions

A person, living or deceased can be remembered in a special way at Mass. Contact the parish secretary at 654-3365 or visit the parish office 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. A card for the recipient is provided and an offering of $10 is suggested. The name(s) will be mentioned during the requested mass time. Intentions written in the book located by the Holy Family statues will be remembered as “parish intentions” during the Sunday 9:30 am mass.

If you would like a Mass said, please contact the Parish Office anytime during regular business hours.

Music Ministry

Our parish offers a wide variety of options for those who are musically inclined, either vocally or instrumentally. Music Ministry includes:

  • Adults Choir
  • Cantors
  • Children’s Choir
  • Instrumentalists

Sacristans/Sacred Linens

The sacristan is responsible for the cleanliness and care of all liturgical vestments, vessels, linens, candles and other items used in sacred celebrations, to insure that the sanctuary and sacristy are kept clean and organized for the celebrant and other ministers. Various duties can be distributed to accommodate each individual’s schedule.


The usher/greeter’s responsibilities are many, but the most important task is that of creating an environment of welcome and hospitality to fellow parishioners, visitors and newcomers. They are also responsible for guarding the sanctity of the church, gathering the offerings, assisting with seating, distributing bulletins, attending to emergencies and answering questions.

This ministry is open to men and women, high school age and older. Usher/greeters may choose their preferred mass time. Occasional meetings are scheduled.