Be Healed Retreat
“Be Healed” is an engaging weekend based on the book by author Dr. Bob Schuchts. This ​two-day retreat include​s Spirit-filled talks, opportunities for faith-filled reflection, spiritual direction, mass, and confessions. This dynamic retreat features Fr. Burke Masters and other leaders in the Joliet Diocese. The Carmelite Spiritual Center features a meditation garden for prayer and contemplation, as well as home-cooked meals. This will be a weekend to assist you in taking the next step in your faith journey.

John Paul II Healing The Whole Person Events
Experience Jesus in His mission of healing! Physical, spiritual, and emotional healing, central to the Church’s life and 2,000-year tradition, come to life in this teaching. Led by renowned speakers and authors Dr. Bob Schuchts, Sr. Miriam James Heidland SOLT & Bart Schuchts, the uniquely engaging format will help you see and experience God’s healing love through teaching, prayer, personal reflection, Adoration, worship, and the Sacraments.
Healing the Whole Person is the basis for Dr. Bob Schucht’s best-selling book “Be Healed” and occurs only four times yearly in parish settings across the US.

Light of Life
Welcome to all who are divorced or currently going through a divorce. Join us in a small group setting, for useful information, faith sharing, and camaraderie with others experiencing the same life issues. This group meets on Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30 pm in O’Keefe B, main level.
For more details call Debbie Macaluso at 630-601-1762.

Rachel’s Vineyard
Rachel’s Vineyard weekends for healing after abortion are offered throughout the year in locations across the United States and Canada, with additional sites around the world. Rachel’s Vineyard is a ministry of Priests for Life.
The program is an opportunity to examine your abortion experience, identify the ways that the loss has impacted you in the past and present, and helps to acknowledge any unresolved feelings that many individuals struggle with after abortion. Because of the emotional numbness and secrecy that often surrounds an abortion experience, conflicting emotions both during and after the event may remain unresolved. These buried feelings can surface later and may be symptoms of post abortion trauma.

Sacred Atmosphere Focused on Eternity is for women recovering from addictions and those who love them, as well as for all women regardless of their struggles to root in Scripture and learn practical solutions to God’s healing presence.
For more information, contact Carrie at 630-975-0020.