God wills everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. In sharing the truth however, we can sometimes come across sounding harsh and unkind or judgmental. We might think, “Well I have to make sure you know the Truth…BUT the goal is not to win arguments….if you win the ARGUMENT, and lose the person….lose the relationship…so what? The goal is to win hearts. This takes time….it takes people knowing we actually care about them and don’t see them as a project.
– Fr. Mark

Faith Stories
By sharing accounts of how God moves in our ordinary lives we reveal that God is alive and active in our world, we grow in faith, we help others to grow in faith, and we encourage others to share their stories to build up God’s kingdom on earth.
Food Pantry
The Notre Dame Food Pantry assists approximately 50 local families monthly in Clarendon Hills, Westmont, Hinsdale, Oak Brook, Darien, and Willowbrook.

Invite to The Alpha Marriage Course or to The Rescue Project
You likely know people who would be transformed by an experience of coming together to enjoy good food, positive and supportive friendships, and safe conversations about questions on faith and purpose (i.e. the neighbor who’s new to the area, the co-worker who is battling a bad diagnosis, the lonely cashier you chat with each week).
Ministers of Care
Trained extraordinary ministers can bring Holy Communion to you or loved ones who are temporarily or permanently home-bound, at a hospital, or at a care facility and are unable to attend Mass, please contact Char Jain to schedule.

Our Lady of the Angels Mission
Located in West Humboldt Park. The purpose of their Mission is twofold to assist the materially poor & to share the treasure of our Catholic Faith. They serve through their food pantry, distribution of clothing and household goods, emergency assistance, community dinners, retreats, and more. Learn more or volunteer to help here.
Kid’s First
The ND Kids First program invites the approximately 50 local families that receive assistance from the food pantry to “shop” for gently used donated children’s and adult clothing 5-6 times a year. In addition to clothes we also collect and distribute children’s and adult shoes (in good condition), boots, coats, and winter gear. We also collect gently used school supplies. Learn more or volunteer to help here.