Catholic Sports
We are happy to provide Chicago with adult sports leagues and great community. Our adult recreational leagues in Chicago provide unparalleled community for Catholics and non-Catholics alike. We host many sports leagues including basketball, softball, volleyball and soccer, many social events and Bible studies. Sign up as a free agent, drag a friend along to join you, or make a team and enjoy the competition in a better community. Visit here for more information or to sign up.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is open to Catholic men 18 years and older, whose four principles are Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. Knights enhance their spiritual community through volunteering efforts, fundraisers, social events, and outreach programs.
For more information or if you are interested in joining the Knights of Columbus, please contact kofc15296@gmail.com

Mom’s & Tots
Need a little adult conversation and a cup of coffee while your toddler plays? Join us every Wednesday at 8:30 am in the Union in the lower of the Church! Bring tots under 3 and a toy or two to share during playtime.
For updates and more information regarding our Mom’s community events, please contact Quillen Rahal.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Do You Like to Knit? Crochet? Chat? Pray? Join Notre Dame’s Prayer Shawl Ministry. We work on individual projects (shawls or blankets) for those who are sick or in need. The finished shawls are then presented to the needy with a lovely prayer, knowing that they were made with love and compassionate prayer on behalf of the Notre Dame community.
The prayer shawl ministry prayerfully knits and crochets prayer shawls and baby blankets.
Meetings are Wednesdays from 1:00 pm-2:00 pm in O’Keefe B.

Young Adults
Join our Young Adult Group! Ages 18-35 For more information or to register for our email list, please contact ndyoungadultgroup@gmail.com
Young at Heart Seniors
For more information, please contact Nancy Kolar.

CRHP – Christ Renews His Parish
CRHP (pronounced “chirp”) offers women the opportunity to take a break from their everyday lives to renew, share, and grow in faith with other women. During the retreat, participants will experience fellowship, engage in prayer and reflection, hear inspiring testimonies, and have fun in the process. Mass and Confession will be available.