Corpus Christi
10th Annual Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession
Thursday June 8th
Begins at Notre Dame with 6:30 pm Mass followed by prayerful Eucharistic Procession to St Isaac Jogues
Be a part of our 10th annual Eucharistic Procession between Notre Dame and St. Isaac Jogues on Thursday June 8th on the Feast of Corpus Christi. If you’ve never been, it’s just like Eucharistic Adoration, except with music, priests, nuns, seminarians, our bishop, and nearly a thousand others, oh and it’s outside on a spring evening, all while walking, singing, and praying. Okay maybe it’s more like a giant, joyful religious parade, or a musical pilgrimage full of pomp and pageantry. Regardless, it is a chance to get outside and literally follow Christ, marching shoulder to shoulder with fellow Catholics and Jesus Himself out in the public square, in a reverent, musical, mile long procession of praise and worship – and don’t we and the world really need that these days.
It all begins with 6:30 pm Mass at Notre Dame, where immediately following, we process with Jesus to St. Isaac Jogues for a moving, musical, outdoor Benediction, followed by Christian fellowship. Bring your family and friends to what is likely the largest, most joyful Eucharistic Procession in the area and experience the graces and blessings for yourself – you’ll be grateful you did. Please stay afterwards for refreshments and fellowship. If you can’t make the walk, we’ve got trolleys along the route, and to get you back to your cars when it’s over.
Come and be a part of the best public display of the Faith this side of martyrdom!