St. Paul’s Letter to the Hebrews
Bi-monthly, Mondays,
Next meeting March 27th @12:30pm & 7:00pm in O’Keefe B.
To register & order workbook, contact Judy Ogan at 630-567-1247.
YA Men’s Bible Study
New Night & Location
Thursdays, at ND Parish
7:30pm – 8:30pm in Marian room.
Contact Seth for information! Call 618-974-6258
or email Spopov@catholicsports.net
Introduction to the Bible
Fridays now through May 19
9:30a-11:00a in O’Keefe A
If you wish to attend these Friday sessions, just show up. If your schedule means you miss a session or two, just come back as your time allows. Invite whomever you wish!
Bring a bible, any bible. If it is not a Catholic bible, we will discuss the differences and how they came to be.
Questions, contact Anne Huber at anne.huber@ att.net.