“But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?”
1 John 3:17
The ND Kids First program invites the approximately 50 local families that receive assistance from the food pantry to “shop” for gently used donated children’s and adult clothing 5-6 times a year. We also allow for requested emergency visits as needed for the families or their neighbors.
Additional assistance
In addition to clothes we also collect and distribute children’s and adult shoes (in good condition), boots, coats and winter gear. We also collect gently-used school supplies.
Volunteers are welcome, including teens and all who would like to assist. The greatest volunteer need is for people to sort and organize the donated clothing. Volunteers are also needed to move large bins to set up for the clothing distribution and to return the bins to the storage area after the families attend.
Kids First has been in existence at ND for over 20 years.
The concept of Kids First was as an outreach program of Elizabeth Ministry.
Kids First was originally in the Old Mansion on the upper floor.
Clean, gently used donated clothes are brought to church and can be put in the same blue bins as the food pantry donations. Please mark the bag Kids First.
Clothing is checked for cleanliness, sorted by size and categorized by season.
Approximately every 2 months our families are invited to schedule a time to “shop” for clothes.
The families are encouraged to take the clothing they need and to take for a neighbor as well if needed.
For more information contact Kerry Kilbane.