We are so excited to welcome Father John Riccardo and some members of his ACTSXXIX Team here at Notre Dame Parish on March 14, 2023 for an evening event and light reception from 7-9pm. Those of you currently participating in The Rescue Project at Notre Dame Parish will recognize Fr John as the face of those videos. Others may have read Fr John’s book Rescued. Some of you might be interested in participating in a future offering of The Rescue Project. Regardless, you won’t want to miss this event as Fr John is a dynamic and inspiring speaker.
Fr. John Riccardo, missionary and ACTS XXIX Executive Director. He was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Detroit in 1996. In 2019, after 23 years in parish ministry, he founded Acts XXIX to proclaim the gospel in an attractive and compelling way and to equip clergy and lay leaders for the age in which God has chosen us to live. Fr. John is a graduate of the University of Michigan, the Gregorian University, and the Pope John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family. Sign up here for this event… https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040F49ABAF22AAFD0-event