We’ve made some changes to our Confirmation Preparation program here at Notre Dame that we’re very excited about! Check out this video from Fr. Mark and this FAQ we’ve assembled to help guide you through this transition.

Will all the grades prepare for Confirmation together next year?

No. 6th, 7th,8th, 9th & 10th graders will all prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation with their grade level.

Will everyone be confirmed at one Confirmation Mass?

There will be a Confirmation Mass for each grade level unless numbers of Confirmandi dictate otherwise.

If there is a family with 2 (or more) teens in different grade levels preparing for Confirmation, can they be confirmed at the same Mass?


When will we know the class times for each grade level?

We are working on the details and will post information soon.

Will there be a retreat?

Yes, there will be a retreat for every grade level.

Why don’t we confirm in 8th grade?

Faith formation is life-long so we intentionally are avoiding Confirmation in 8th grade since too often Confirmation in 8th grade is seen as graduation from faith formation.

What are the reasons to change from 10th Grade Confirmation to 6th Grade Confirmation?

  • We are convicted that through prayer, the Holy Spirit has led us in this direction toward 6th grade Confirmation.
  • 6th graders are mature enough and still have openness before entering the “crusty” middle school and high school years. A right disposition when receiving the sacrament is needed to receive the grace of that sacrament. For example, when we receive a sacrament, we must come forward with faith. If we don’t believe, we don’t receive the grace, power, and help from God. We believe that the move to 6th grade will better suit our youth to receive the grace God wants to give them in the sacrament.
  • We want our youth to be strengthened and fortified by the Holy Spirit at a younger age. It is no secret that children are experiencing more and more challenges at a younger and younger age.

Will there be other opportunities for youth in addition to Confirmation preparation?

Yes. This year we will offer community-building opportunities in addition to Confirmation preparation.

What will happen after this year? Will there be opportunities for youth to grow in their faith?

Along with the change to Confirmation is our goal of expanding our Youth Ministry offerings. This goes along with hiring our new Director of Youth Ministry to help us keep our junior high and high school students connected and active in the faith.

Will Confirmation preparation be in person or online?

Confirmation preparation sessions will be in person for every grade level.

If you have additional questions regarding the upcoming changes to Confirmation, please send inquiries to Char Jain: