Donation Opportunities

A good steward is a conscious steward, understanding that freely giving to God and His church is a means to provide for the parish community, assist in the daily running of the facilities and to enable the continuing outreach work done here at Notre Dame.

There are many ways in which to be a Good Steward. Besides your time and talent, you can give of your treasure through your offering. A stewardship offering is one that returns the first and best portion of our financial blessing to the Lord. The National Catholic Stewardship Council defines the ideal stewardship offering as 10% of after-tax income distributed between the parish (5%), the diocese (1%) and other charities, including special improvement funds, tuition and contributions (4%).

Upon registering, you can select your donation option.  If you would like to donate with envelopes, you should receive your first packet within eight weeks.. In the meantime, write your name and contribution amount on a plain envelope and place it in the collection basket. Your contribution will be recorded for end-of-year tax purposes.

Ways to Give

While your generosity is deeply appreciated in any amount and at any time, a planned giving schedule greatly enhances our Parish’s ability to budget its programs and prepare for the future. Stewardship is most effective when it follows a plan. There are several ways to give: 

  • Weekly or monthly envelope contributions.
  • E-Giving
  • Recurring monthly, quarterly, annual or other Credit Card Authorization of your Visa, MasterCard or Discover.
  • Monthly, yearly, quarterly or other Automatic Withdrawal from your checking or savings account.

Support Us Through E-Giving

To help make it more convenient for you to financially support the parish, we offer an electronic payment option called E-Giving.

E-Giving is electronic giving through your checking account, credit or debit card. You have the ease and assurance of automating your weekly contribution without using your envelopes. If you have any questions, please call Colleen Barrett at 630.601.1758. Your donations will be credited to you for your yearly tax return.

Please prayerfully consider E-Giving. Sign up today

Support Us Through Securities Donation



64 Norfolk

Clarendon Hills, IL  605145



3256 Ridge Road

Lansing, IL 60438

Attention:  Stock Receive for Notre Dame Parish


DTC Deliveries: DTC Participant:  #901

Internal Account:  #207681

For further Credit to Notre Dame Parish

Account:  #72-0020-01-5


Trust Administrator: Linda Catt, Trust Associate


  • Please give this information to your broker or investment company and authorize them to transfer the appropriate securities.


  • Please advise Chicago Trust Company two days prior to delivery of assets.


  • If you have any questions, please call Linda Catt directly at (708) 418-2118 or Colleen Barrett at Notre Dame Parish at (630) 601-1758 or  


Thank you for your investment in Notre Dame Parish!

Support Us Through Memorial Bricks

You can make an ordinary brick extraordinary by personalizing it with your name or the name of a loved one, to be placed in the walkways around the entrance and courtyard of Notre Dame Church.

Engraved red-colored 4″x8″ bricks (pictured) will be incorporated into the design around the piazza pavers at the main entrance to the church, parish offices and school. Larger buff-colored bricks are 8″x8″ and will be placed in the courtyard between O’Keefe Gathering, the Adoration Chapel and school.

4 x 8 Brick – $100 Each 8 x 8 Brick – $250 each. Orders placed are usually installed in the Spring and Fall. See bricks in the church foyer and in the walkways.

Click to download the Brick Order Form.

Material Donations

Throughout the year, Notre Dame conducts campaigns for specific ministries, requesting items such as food, clothing, toiletries, etc. We welcome these material donations and thank you for your generosity.